We like to think of M&A and Business Development in general as a learning process. We have conceived a model that allows us to divide an M&A or Business Development project up into 4 distinct phases, where each phase represents a particular set of services provided and lessons to be learned. The phases are represented by interconnecting bridges, as the phases often overlap and ‘phase’ into one another. The 4 phases are as follows:
Philosophy & Workflow
The Research Phase entails everything to do with getting as complete a picture as possible before getting into the meat of things. It includes for example pre-M&A research activities such as company search, preliminary market research for channel partner development, or feasibility studies for market entry/expansion projects. Global Bridges plays an active investigative role during this phase, where any long- and shortlisting takes place, and the client gets an overview of the available options and general considerations going forward. It represents a first opportunity for us to learn about the client’s particular field and for the client to learn about the situation across the bridge.
Phase 1: Research
The Expedition Phase covers everything from Global Bridges making first contact with selected targets on behalf of the client, be it an acquisition target or potential channel partner, to the client physically getting their feet on the ground across the ‘bridge’ through (preliminary) site visits. While much can be learned during Phase 1 already, experience has taught us that the bulk of the learning takes place during Phase 2. As both the client and Global Bridges engage in dialogue with several of the selected targets, a wealth of market insight is gained and key patterns are identified, giving the client an immediate ‘feel’ for the local market circumstances which is difficult to replicate in writing alone. Our role shifts from an investigative one to a supporting and coordinating one, where we take care of all planning and logistics, facilitate communications, break cultural and language barriers and provide advice and insight based on our 30+ years of experience in the field and our knowledge of the local business cultures.
Phase 2: Expedition
The Transaction Phase refers to the period between final target selection and the closing of some sort of deal. Such a deal may for example be the transfer of ownership of a company, the signing of a supply agreement or the purchase or commissioning of an office or factory building, hiring of staff and executive search. This phase is emblematic of what we mean by “unburdening”. We take care of the appointment of financial analysts, auditors and lawyers critical to carrying out the due diligence process for an M&A project, the hiring of (tax) lawyers, notaries, HR and payroll processing companies necessary for the legal and administrative proceedings involved in setting up a company on the other side of the bridge, or the provision of legal specialists required for the realisation of a supply agreement. We call upon our expert business partners and have them work in tandem with our in-house specialists to provide the most complete and balanced service, so the client can focus on the bigger picture and critical decision making. Moreover, we continue to serve as a portal for effective communication with the target wherever applicable, managing expectations on both ends and ensuring that miscommunication, distrust or disappointment are kept to an absolute minimum, resulting in a win-win outcome for all parties involved.
Phase 3: Transaction
The Post (Merger) Integration Phase is where we check in with our client post-transaction. We care about the impact of the deals we get to be a part of and do not simply “check out” upon closing. While often times the client is happy to move ahead with their new venture, confident that they can face future challenges thanks to the many lessons learned throughout Phase 1-3, there can be cases in which some extra advice or guidance is desired. Perhaps you need help setting up an advisory or supervisory board for your newly acquired company or your newly established corporate entity, or perhaps you need a little more help overcoming those often underestimated cultural and linguistic barriers before being able to ease into a smooth flow of communications with your new channel partners. Having got to learn about your specific situation inside out over several months, Global Bridges is the right fit for the job of dotting the i’s on your project.
Phase 4: Post (Merger) Integration
While we provide a one-stop service, supporting you all the way from the first to the last phase, we find that certain clients only need our help during a particular phase, either because they have already completed one on their own, or because they learned that they need to adjust course before proceeding. We offer the flexibility of both options.
While we provide a one-stop service, supporting you all the way from the first to the last phase, we find that certain clients only need our help during a particular phase, either because they have already completed one on their own, or because they learned that they need to adjust course before proceeding. We offer the flexibility of both options.